Index Of :
DARKODE (LEVEL 1)/Tools, Releases/
(REL) over 300K web's.png
(REQ) ICQ Spammer Adder.png
(REQ) SQLI dumper script.png
(REQ) a good shell ..png
(ReQ)Rdp scanner and other..png
(Req) Facebook Fan Page Inviter.png
(Req)Perfeft Keylogger.png
(req) a live webcams source.png
(req) sendsafe email manager.png
0x00 php shell (only shell you will ever need).png
AXBC Downloader.png
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 7.x Enterprise Edition.png
Anonymous Secure SHell.png
Anti fuckup.png
BIN + ZIP lists.png
BL v2 java.png
Best email sorting software anywhere - lproplat.png
Black-Blood Crypter [Need to be cracked].png
Bleeding Life v2 pack leaked.png
Burp Pro Suite.png
CPA domination.png
CPanel latest version x1.png
CPanel latest version x2.png
Cisco Rootkit.png
Code Clicker Complete Checker (unpacked but unpatched).png
Cpanel Bruforcer Authetication Tester.png
Email Parser script.png
FHSCAN, Fast HTTP Vulnerability scanner v1.1.23.png
Facebook Checker.png
Hook Analyser 1.1 -Final.png
IDA 6.1 leaked.png
IDA owned.png
INSTITUTION2K4 0.2.6.png
IP to country multi-lookup tool.png
Impassioned FrameShit.png
Interactive Delphi Reconstructor.png
Ioncube Decoder.png
KX-TDS by Kallisto, remix by XShaman V3.0.png
LUA based Rogue Antivirus made in a RAD x1.png
LUA based Rogue Antivirus made in a RAD x2.png
Liberty Reserve Invite App.png
LightWeightCrypter - Multi Encryption x1.png
LightWeightCrypter - Multi Encryption x2.png
Linux exploits log cleaners rootkits.png
Local Root Exploit Linux kernel-2.6.18-6 x86 2011.png
Mailer King
Mailer King
Malware Analyser 3.3.png
MassMailer Neeeded x1.png
MassMailer Neeeded x2.png
Microsoft exchange.png
Need Decoder or a way tho decode this.png
NiFramer x1.png
NiFramer x2.png
Niggadown - download to memory & execute x1.png
Niggadown - download to memory & execute x2.png
Niggadown - download to memory & execute x3.png
Nmap script ProFTPD 1.3.3c remote root exploit.png
Norton Ghost 15.png
OS directory.png
OpenSSH backdoor patch (magic password).png
Ozzy (Custom Botmailer) leaked.png
Page 1.png
Page 2.png
Page 3.png
Page 4.png
Page 5.png
PaiN RAT.png
Paypal Checker.png
Perl Bot.png
RDP Scanner.png
REQ ( Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 7 ).png
REQ , RAT , Torjan , Keylogger.png
REQ - atomic mailer cracked.png
REQ Crystal Flow.png
REQ Zynamics BinDiff.png
REQ ngrbot builder.png
Remote CAT.png
Req Adramax Keylogger w working Remote install option...png
Req Albertino RAt AARC 4.2.png
Reverse Proxy 3.png
SEOSpam Tools Myspace Craigslist Emails Needed Apps +MORE! x1.png
SEOSpam Tools Myspace Craigslist Emails Needed Apps +MORE! x2.png
SQL Exploiter Pro v2.15.png
SQL Google Scanner x1.png
SQL Google Scanner x2.png
SSH SMTP Linux Checker.png
Secunia PSI.png
SimpPro v2.2.9.png
Simple FUD Downloader x1.png
Simple FUD Downloader x2.png
Skype Phishing Webpage.png
Small Syn Flood Script.png
Smart Hunter-Acunetix.png
Snapbot HTTP Bot leak.png
SpywarePlus (Symantec) source.png
Strike Bot x1.png
Strike Bot x2.png
Strike Bot x3.png
Syser Debugger.png
The Asset Integrity Manager (AIM).png
Tools and Junk [HOT] [CRISPY] [FRESH] x1.png
Tools and Junk [HOT] [CRISPY] [FRESH] x2.png
Tricaster or Anycast.png
VPS with xRumer for 1 month.png
Vbulletin Forum 4.0.6 PL1 COG.png
Vodamail Email Verifier enterprice needed.png
Web Shells.png
WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner V2.4.2.png
Windows 8 M3.png
Xrumer link lists.png
Yahoo OCR.png
Youtube comment poster.png
Zalypko Zalupka.png
Zeus config decryptor.png
Zeus v1.2.10.1 x1.png
Zeus v1.2.10.1 x2.png
Zunker Bot.png
[APP] Reaver-WPS 1.3.png
[LEAK]Worm Hole Spreader v3 Source x1.png
[LEAK]Worm Hole Spreader v3 Source x2.png
[PHP] Facebook IM Chat Spreader.png
[PHP]Admin Finder.png
[REQ] Asian OS.png
[REQ] BinBase bin database.png
[REQ] Botmailer - Will give Yoshi in return.png
[REQ] CCNA and CCNA security , CEH and RedHat Linux Admin.png
[REQ] CyberGate.png
[REQ] Decent Shell.png
[REQ] ElcomSoft Password Recovery.png
[REQ] Flowplayer.png
[REQ] Havij 1.5 Pro.png
[REQ] Havij.png
[REQ] Indian Japanese Windows XP ISO.png
[REQ] Leechpack clone.png
[REQ] Plesk Panel 9.5 Unix key.png
[REQ] SMTP Checker.png
[REQ] SpyEye.png
[REQ] Stealth VNC.png
[REQ] Traffic sniffing RAT x1.png
[REQ] Traffic sniffing RAT x2.png
[REQ] Vnc scanner Bot.png
[REQ] XtrmApp Viral Facebook Application.png
[REQ] Zeus x1.png
[REQ] Zeus x2.png
[REQ] blackRose Mailer.png
[REQ] fatalz irc.png
[REQ] ionCube Encoder 7.png
[REQ] php obfuscator.png
[REQ]Convert executable to C shellcode.png
[Req] Http bot infos.png
[Req] Maxmind GEOIP.png
[Req] SMTP Scanner x1.png
[Req] SMTP Scanner x2.png
[Req] iframer.png
[Req]ExpressionEngine v2.1.1.png
[Req]RDP brute app.png
[Req]sqli tools.png
[Req]working ioncube encoder.png
[SRC] ZeusEye leak alfa.1.png
[Script] Python log cleaner.png
[php]cool shell.png
[priv8]SMTP ScannerBruter.png
[req] Netsparker professional.png
[req] Web Streaming Software.png
[req] google search automatization.png
[req] linux proxy mailer.png
[req] uncracked bfbot files.png
[req] vBulletin nulled.png
[req]Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner latest version.png
[req]good bot x1.png
[req]good bot x2.png
[req]mysqli tools.png
[req]reserve proxy example.png
[req]veebee crypter source code.png
ahm gmail mailer.png
cpanel whm.png
egymailer (by doksh).png
fag woops, i mean, nigload, by cuntempt, i meant contempt.png
free vip.png
fuckin file upload site almost sh3113d.png
hackforums kids SH1ts (shell list ).png
htbot x1.png
htbot x2.png
https everywhere (firefox addon from EFF).png
iPad 2 serial generator.png
iStealer 7 x1.png
iStealer 7 x2.png
ida pro 6.1.png
inspircd patched.png
ioncube source leaked.png
kims alternative.png
looking for linux bot script.png
looking for perl bot for ddos.png
looking for the GCC exploit.png
n(i)gger(frame) - multi-threaded iframer for linux x1.png
n(i)gger(frame) - multi-threaded iframer for linux x2.png
ngrBot Builder + Source Code Sample x1.png
ngrBot Builder + Source Code Sample x2.png
nigger framer.png
php shell.png
pimp linux mailer.png
python iframers and ssh checker ( c2ssh and ziframer ).png
r57 Shell Modified by Vrs-hCk.png
ransomware pages.png
req IDA Pro v6 x1.png
req IDA Pro v6 x2.png
send safe list manager full version.png
shell archive.png
swf decrypter.png
transexual haha shell.png
vuln site.png
xRumer 7.0-Beta 2 x1.png
xRumer 7.0-Beta 2 x2.png
xRumer 7.0-Beta 2 x3.png
xRumer 7.0-Beta 2 x4.png
yoshi linux mailer.png
zwShell Rat.png
{REQ} Sublime-Text.png
{REq} Asp Aspx Shell.png
{ReQ}JSky 3.5.1.png
{req} Zunker.png
{req}Pangolin----Amazing SQL Injection World.png
~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ [HitX] bOt pRiV8 bY h1t3m ~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ x1.png
~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ [HitX] bOt pRiV8 bY h1t3m ~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ x2.png
~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ [HitX] bOt pRiV8 bY h1t3m ~LeAK LEaK LEAk~ x3.png
4788 files - 839.95 Mb - Server At on port 80 - PHP Powered - inquiries: xylitol☆
Darkode mirror project, keep us in good memories.