Index Of :
DARKODE (LEVEL 1)/Programming/
32bit - 64bit.png
99 percent of malware code has very low quality.png
Ad Clicker Idea, Dynamic Detection.png
Admin Login Finder.png
Anti Codes x1.png
Anti Codes x2.png
Anti-Wepawet x1.png
Anti-Wepawet x2.png
Any tutorial for noob.png
Anybody have the httpTransfer version of MS08067.png
Automatic Iframer x1.png
Automatic Iframer x2.png
Aytorun.inf crypter.png
BashBot (Bash IRC bot).png
Basic Infect USB Drives in VB6.png
Best Encryption.png
Bot screencapture and upload x.png
Bot screencapture and upload x2.png
Bot's running on Asian OS.png
C Snippet.png
C++ Compiler x1.png
C++ Compiler x2.png
C++ GhostWritting PoC.png
CFM asp shell needed.png
Can some one make good crypter for BFBOT.png
Chrome SSL Hooking.png
Clean b.base.png
Coding a stealer.png
Could someone help me with making this simple function in C.png
Country x1.png
Country x2.png
Crack WEP WPA keys in windows x1.png
Crack WEP WPA keys in windows x2.png
Crack WPA WEP for IPHONE apps.png
Cross domain modifications.png
Custom HTTP Botnet.png
DarkPack v1.0 Public.png
Darkode Coding Project x1.png
Darkode Coding Project x2.png
Darkode Coding Project x3.png
Darkode Coding Project x4.png
Darkode Coding Project x5.png
Defeating generic heuristic detections.png
Delphi Bots.png
Detect a couple Sandboxes.png
Dev C++ HUGE file size x1.png
Dev C++ HUGE file size x2.png
Dev C++ HUGE file size x3.png
Digipass generator this shit still work.png
Does anybody have VNC Scanner source in C.png
Downloader with Dynamic API Loading and XOR Encryption.png
Dynamic Honey Pot detection.png
Dynamically load API without using GetProcAddress.png
EXE obfuscator needed.png
Editable DIV trick.png
Email checker.png
Encryption + Compression.png
Exidous Server Scanner.png
FTP KEYLOGER (c++-Batch).png
Facebook Auto Like.png
Firewall Process Services List.png
Foreach loop in C C++.png
Google Ban Bypass.png
Google Blacklist.png
Google Sandbox & Safebrowsing Reported Attack Site x1.png
Google Sandbox & Safebrowsing Reported Attack Site x2.png
Grabbing login data from putty.png
Hello Sniffer.png
Help Advice.png
Hidden location - explorer.exe.png
Hiring C C++ Coders.png
How compile shellcode.png
How to register a 64-bit dll (on a 64-bit OS) from a 32-bit.png
I2P for botnet.png
ICQ 7.png
IFrame Generator.png
IP v6 scanners ... any one have or can make.png
ITP v1.1 g++ compatable and added nix compatability.png
Ideas about Botnet x1.png
Ideas about Botnet x2.png
Ideas about Botnet x3.png
In need of a good PHP mailer script.png
Infect USB.png
Java Help.png
Javascript - Send msg to all fb friends.png
Javascript system working with chrome fixed.png
Joomla 1.5.x hash cracker.png
Junk Code for VC++.png
LFI Dumper.png
Light HTTP File Server - Windows HTTP Api[C++].png
Ligit App Ideas [PHP Webdev].png
Limbo2 x1.png
Limbo2 x2.png
Link your application against Msvcrt.dll.png
Looking for DLL's.png
Looking for a reverse proxy source.png
Looking for someone with basic Flash knowledge.png
Looking for vnc autodownloader x1.png
Looking for vnc autodownloader x2.png
MS COFEE Tool leaked.png
MSVCRT shutting down the program on wrong startupinfo.png
Mac OSX Bot.png
Mailslot vs. NamedPipe.png
Mass Twitter Poster.png
Medusa RAT.png
Mercedes VIN options decoder.png
Method to bind file.png
MiniDos Source.png
My noob encryption tell me if you like it x1.png
My noob encryption tell me if you like it x2.png
My_Poly_Sploit ie6-ie7-op-firefox Zeus
Need Autotransfers!.png
Need a good coder..png
Need advice on how to load drivers.png
Need conficker source.png
Need source code account checker [Csharp].png
Need to find function names.png
New idea of code mutation.png
NiFramer - Automatic CPanel & DirectAdmin infector x1.png
NiFramer - Automatic CPanel & DirectAdmin infector x2.png
No Warez.png
OpenSSH 5.5p1 backdoor patch.png
Opera Formgrabber.png
Over write Directory Files.png
PHP Browser OS Version.png
PHP Curl_Multi DoS.png
PHP DBViewer.png
PHP PERL mass inbox mailer [IDEAS].png
PHP log falsifyer.png
PIC Programming.png
Page 1.png
Page 2.png
Page 3.png
Page 4.png
Page 5.png
Page 6.png
Page 7.png
Pangolin (SQL Injection Tool) And Your Data.png
Patching tcpip.sys.png
Poision R.A.T..png
Poison Auto Spreader Sources.png
Post good EBooks, Papers here!.png
Private Reptile[AID.S] x1.png
Private Reptile[AID.S] x2.png
Private Reptile[AID.S] x3.png
Private Reptile[AID.S] x4.png
Problem with process injection.png
Procces hider by force from HH.png
PyMailer - email spammer.png
Python Programmer.png
Quality Programmers needed.png
Question between injections x1.png
Question between injections x2.png
Question between injections x3.png
Quick App.png
RC4 Encryption Decryption.png
RC4 Encryption Source.png
Re-Basing PE.png
Real Name Genrator.png
Reptile IRC Mod Source.png
Reverse http proxy.png
Rootkit RIng3.png
SMM rootkit.png
SQL Exploiter 2.10 x1.png
SQL Exploiter 2.10 x2.png
SQL TOOL (New Features) x1.png
SQL TOOL (New Features) x2.png
Searching Source Undetector.png
Security researcher gets root on Windows 8 with bootkit.png
Self Deleting Executable Methods.png
Setting up a Malware development environment on Ubuntu.png
ShellBox x1.png
ShellBox x2.png
ShellBox x3.png
Simple Rootkit (Linux) x1.png
Simple Rootkit (Linux) x2.png
SkyBot HTTP.png
Skype Mass Spamming Script.png
Skype protocol reverse engineered.png
Snippets for native process information.png
Socks5 server x1.png
Socks5 server x2.png
Src Stuxnet.png
Starting Coding x1.png
Starting Coding x2.png
Stupid VS2008 Question.png
Taking .rdata apart.png
Truecrypt volume cracker x1.png
Truecrypt volume cracker x2.png
Twitter Messenger.png
Twitter spammer.png
UAC Bypass x1.png
UAC Bypass x2.png
UAC bypass n x1.png
UAC bypass n x2.png
UBot Bot Creation Studio.png
User online.png
Using GeoIP for Language x1.png
Using GeoIP for Language x2.png
VB help.png
VBScript DL EXEC almost fud.png
Valhalla zine released.png
Visual Studio Owner information.png
WP GPU cracker.png
Ways of not hardcoding IP host in binary.png
What do you listen while codin x1.png
What do you listen while codin x2.png
What do you listen while codin x3.png
Wind0ws Live Messenger v8.0 Password Finder + FTP upload.png
Windows 7 rootkit.png
Windows Password Bruteforcer.png
Windows Vista process elevation.png
Winsock2 hook on MSN x1.png
Winsock2 hook on MSN x2.png
YES exploit 2.0.png
Yahoo Spreader.png
Your comments experiances with Java.png
Zeus HTTP bot x1.png
Zeus HTTP bot x2.png
Zeus HTTP bot x3.png
Zeus HTTP bot x4.png
[ C ] Hide taskbar items.png
[ VB6 ] Encrypt Decrypt File.png
[!] 26 exploit packs .-.png
[ARTICLE] Infection gateways.png
[ASM] Driver signing disabler.png
[Ask]Working Process injection in vb6.png
[BASH]Checking Email domains.png
[C Asm Wierd] Firefox Post Data Grabber by Yaav TheAnomaly.png
[C BASH] Fully patched linux exploit.png
[C SRC] Socks4a Server.png
[C++ SRC] Xfire Spreader.png
[C++] Drives spread - by Viotto.png
[C++] Firefox 3.5 Password Harvester.png
[C++] Fuck Kav.png
[C++] String Class Alternative.png
[C++] TDL3 rootkit.png
[C++] Updated Anti-Sandboxie.png
[C++][HELP] WinINet login to facebook!!!.png
[C] CDKey Stealer.png
[C] Driver loader.png
[C] FUD autorun.inf (like Conficker, if i remember correctly x1.png
[C] FUD autorun.inf (like Conficker, if i remember correctly x2.png
[C] Leet Talk.png
[C] Minimalistic HTTP server.png
[C] Persistant Registry Keys PoC.png
[C] Pidgin Protocol User Pass Lister.png
[C] Protect your process.png
[C] Quick shutdown.png
[C] RC4.png
[C] SLDE 0.1v (Simple Length Disassembler Engine).png
[C] SetPowerState.png
[C] Sexy Anti-Task Manager.png
[C] Shellcode injection.png
[C] Simple Interrupt Handler.png
[C] Steam Password Recovery.png
[C] TDL3 Rootkit Driver Source.png
[C] rare injection method.png
[C] skidis v0.2.png
[C] skipeinfect v0.1.png
[C]Process Injection - By Anubis.png
[C][Linux]Reverse Shell.png
[Csharp] Web panel ddos bot.png
[Delphi] Generic Anti Sandbox Bitdefender bypass.png
[IRC] WORM.png
[Leaked] YES exploits x1.png
[Leaked] YES exploits x2.png
[Leaked] iStealer 6 x1.png
[Leaked] iStealer 6 x2.png
[Multiple vulnerabilities] LARGE HADRON COLLIDER.png
[Need] RDP Scanner x1.png
[Need] RDP Scanner x2.png
[OLD]Anti-Virus Scanner ( by Segadora ).png
[PDF] Generic Unpacking of Self-modifying, Aggressive, Pack.png
[PHP CLI] SQLi InfoDump.png
[PHP] Dump one column of a table in a MySQL DB to a .txt.png
[PHP] Istealer Log Parser.png
[PHP] Rapidshare Account checker with socks5 support!.png
[PHP]Mass Alexa and Unique Visitors day checker.png
[PHP]Proxy Scanner.png
[PHP]Simple multi-threading example.png
[PoC] AV Update Killer.png
[QUESTION] IE and FF Password recovery.png
[Q] Steam and Electronic Arts account checking.png
[REQ] V.Basic HTTP Bot(c++ & php).png
[REQ] smtp.class for c c++.png
[REQ][C] Socks 5 Server.png
[Req]uac bypass.png
[Request ] Istealer 5.0 x1.png
[Request ] Istealer 5.0 x2.png
[SRC]Firefox Auto Save Passwords x1.png
[SRC]Firefox Auto Save Passwords x2.png
[VB6] A other RUNPE (Call Api by Address).png
[VB6] MSN Local Log Stealer.png
[VB6] ROT-N Encryption module - by Viotto.png
[VB6] The shortest Split method ever.png
[VB6] need help for mail sending..png
[VB] Polymorphism x1.png
[VB] Polymorphism x2.png
[Videotutorial] Creating Runtime Crypter.png
[c++] reverse engineered stuxnet rootkit.png
[c++]Harvest Messenger emails x1.png
[c++]Harvest Messenger emails x2.png
[c] Donbot.png
[eBOOK] BIOS Disassembly Uncovered (ENGLISH VER 1 10) by me..png
[help] with cool extension (need to modify ).png
[php] Echo specific lines from .txt and delete them.png
a few mods ive made.png
avoiding AV detection.png
batch .vbs c script.png
best way to infect usb x1.png
best way to infect usb x2.png
binding to a mp3 file x1.png
binding to a mp3 file x2.png
binding to a mp3 file x3.png
binding to a mp3 file x4.png
br problems -.-.png
c sharp snippets.png
c++ ... bacteria code.png
capture in stand alone format.png
clean sql inputs.png
closed x1.png
closed x2.png
cool php shell.png
crypting hiding idea, probably useless.png
def convert_to_utf16(self, payload).png
dos spoffing.png
evercookie (super persistent cookies).png
extract icon from exe.png
facebook spammer x1.png
facebook spammer x2.png
facebook spammer x3.png
facebook spammer x4.png
fix this vb shit.png
funny java game thing.png
h0rnb0t (Java Based) Source.png
hackhound software.png
how many of you do stuff in asm.png
how to improve this c++.png
i need a code doing SCan remote disck top.png
iSpread Module.png
iUAC Disabler.png
if os is w7.png
im spreader x1.png
im spreader x2.png
java stuff.png
jpg icon pack.png
kerntest - automatic kernel probing tool.png
lExe Infector.png
limited user account.png
mBot x1.png
mBot x2.png
mBot x3.png
mEOF by pringles [vb6] x1.png
mEOF by pringles [vb6] x2.png
mother fucking crypter!.png
my capture to jpeg.png
my first ftp brute.png
nBinder Pro v5.5.1.png
need help cracking a program.png
need little help in php.png
nuclear mod_rewrite.png
p2p programs and their sharing folder.png
php echo from mysql cpu ram wasting.png
php exec function.png
php for cygwin.png
php obfuscator.png
phpBB Email Harvester.png
question about malware installation paths x1.png
question about malware installation paths x2.png
rar-inject.cpp & rar-inject-add.cpp.png
rc4 and IV.png
regex library.png
remote administrative tool.png
request - MS08067 - Standalone console exploit..png
ring0 driver debugging environment.png
searching files in heap.png
shell java.png
simple anti sandbox honeypot.png
simple nix backdoor.png
simple tools archive.png
startup methods.png
talk like pig mirc script.png
twitter poster follower.png
txt 2 sql.png
undefined variable error.png
very odd iframe from when it was comprimised.png
winsock send hook modifypacket problem.png
~40-50 percent of installs going nowhere x1.png
~40-50 percent of installs going nowhere x2.png
4788 files - 839.93 Mb - Server At on port 80 - PHP Powered - inquiries: xylitol☆
Darkode mirror project, keep us in good memories.