
Index Of : DARKODE (LEVEL 1)/Programming/

[DIR].. [FILE]32bit - 64bit.png
[FILE]99 percent of malware code has very low quality.png
[FILE]Ad Clicker Idea, Dynamic Detection.png
[FILE]Admin Login Finder.png
[FILE]Anti Codes x1.png
[FILE]Anti Codes x2.png
[FILE]Anti-Wepawet x1.png
[FILE]Anti-Wepawet x2.png
[FILE]Any tutorial for noob.png
[FILE]Anybody have the httpTransfer version of MS08067.png
[FILE]Automatic Iframer x1.png
[FILE]Automatic Iframer x2.png
[FILE]Aytorun.inf crypter.png
[FILE]BashBot (Bash IRC bot).png
[FILE]Basic Infect USB Drives in VB6.png
[FILE]Best Encryption.png
[FILE]Bot screencapture and upload x.png
[FILE]Bot screencapture and upload x2.png
[FILE]Bot's running on Asian OS.png
[FILE]C Snippet.png
[FILE]C++ Compiler x1.png
[FILE]C++ Compiler x2.png
[FILE]C++ GhostWritting PoC.png
[FILE]CFM asp shell needed.png
[FILE]Can some one make good crypter for BFBOT.png
[FILE]Chrome SSL Hooking.png
[FILE]Clean b.base.png
[FILE]Coding a stealer.png
[FILE]Could someone help me with making this simple function in C.png
[FILE]Country x1.png
[FILE]Country x2.png
[FILE]Crack WEP WPA keys in windows x1.png
[FILE]Crack WEP WPA keys in windows x2.png
[FILE]Crack WPA WEP for IPHONE apps.png
[FILE]Cross domain modifications.png
[FILE]Custom HTTP Botnet.png
[FILE]DarkPack v1.0 Public.png
[FILE]Darkode Coding Project x1.png
[FILE]Darkode Coding Project x2.png
[FILE]Darkode Coding Project x3.png
[FILE]Darkode Coding Project x4.png
[FILE]Darkode Coding Project x5.png
[FILE]Defeating generic heuristic detections.png
[FILE]Delphi Bots.png
[FILE]Detect a couple Sandboxes.png
[FILE]Dev C++ HUGE file size x1.png
[FILE]Dev C++ HUGE file size x2.png
[FILE]Dev C++ HUGE file size x3.png
[FILE]Digipass generator this shit still work.png
[FILE]Does anybody have VNC Scanner source in C.png
[FILE]Downloader with Dynamic API Loading and XOR Encryption.png
[FILE]Dynamic Honey Pot detection.png
[FILE]Dynamically load API without using GetProcAddress.png
[FILE]EXE obfuscator needed.png
[FILE]Editable DIV trick.png
[FILE]Email checker.png
[FILE]Encryption + Compression.png
[FILE]Exidous Server Scanner.png
[FILE]FTP KEYLOGER (c++-Batch).png
[FILE]Facebook Auto Like.png
[FILE]Firewall Process Services List.png
[FILE]Foreach loop in C C++.png
[FILE]Google Ban Bypass.png
[FILE]Google Blacklist.png
[FILE]Google Sandbox & Safebrowsing Reported Attack Site x1.png
[FILE]Google Sandbox & Safebrowsing Reported Attack Site x2.png
[FILE]Grabbing login data from putty.png
[FILE]Hello Sniffer.png
[FILE]Help Advice.png
[FILE]Hidden location - explorer.exe.png
[FILE]Hiring C C++ Coders.png
[FILE]How compile shellcode.png
[FILE]How to register a 64-bit dll (on a 64-bit OS) from a 32-bit.png
[FILE]I2P for botnet.png
[FILE]ICQ 7.png
[FILE]IFrame Generator.png
[FILE]IP v6 scanners ... any one have or can make.png
[FILE]ITP v1.1 g++ compatable and added nix compatability.png
[FILE]Ideas about Botnet x1.png
[FILE]Ideas about Botnet x2.png
[FILE]Ideas about Botnet x3.png
[FILE]In need of a good PHP mailer script.png
[FILE]Infect USB.png
[FILE]Java Help.png
[FILE]Javascript - Send msg to all fb friends.png
[FILE]Javascript system working with chrome fixed.png
[FILE]Joomla 1.5.x hash cracker.png
[FILE]Junk Code for VC++.png
[FILE]LFI Dumper.png
[FILE]Light HTTP File Server - Windows HTTP Api[C++].png
[FILE]Ligit App Ideas [PHP Webdev].png
[FILE]Limbo2 x1.png
[FILE]Limbo2 x2.png
[FILE]Link your application against Msvcrt.dll.png
[FILE]Looking for DLL's.png
[FILE]Looking for a reverse proxy source.png
[FILE]Looking for someone with basic Flash knowledge.png
[FILE]Looking for vnc autodownloader x1.png
[FILE]Looking for vnc autodownloader x2.png
[FILE]MS COFEE Tool leaked.png
[FILE]MSVCRT shutting down the program on wrong startupinfo.png
[FILE]Mac OSX Bot.png
[FILE]Mailslot vs. NamedPipe.png
[FILE]Mass Twitter Poster.png
[FILE]Medusa RAT.png
[FILE]Mercedes VIN options decoder.png
[FILE]Method to bind file.png
[FILE]MiniDos Source.png
[FILE]My noob encryption tell me if you like it x1.png
[FILE]My noob encryption tell me if you like it x2.png
[FILE]My_Poly_Sploit ie6-ie7-op-firefox Zeus
[FILE]Need Autotransfers!.png
[FILE]Need a good coder..png
[FILE]Need advice on how to load drivers.png
[FILE]Need conficker source.png
[FILE]Need source code account checker [Csharp].png
[FILE]Need to find function names.png
[FILE]New idea of code mutation.png
[FILE]NiFramer - Automatic CPanel & DirectAdmin infector x1.png
[FILE]NiFramer - Automatic CPanel & DirectAdmin infector x2.png
[FILE]No Warez.png
[FILE]OpenSSH 5.5p1 backdoor patch.png
[FILE]Opera Formgrabber.png
[FILE]Over write Directory Files.png
[FILE]PHP Browser OS Version.png
[FILE]PHP Curl_Multi DoS.png
[FILE]PHP DBViewer.png
[FILE]PHP PERL mass inbox mailer [IDEAS].png
[FILE]PHP log falsifyer.png
[FILE]PIC Programming.png
[FILE]Page 1.png
[FILE]Page 2.png
[FILE]Page 3.png
[FILE]Page 4.png
[FILE]Page 5.png
[FILE]Page 6.png
[FILE]Page 7.png
[FILE]Pangolin (SQL Injection Tool) And Your Data.png
[FILE]Patching tcpip.sys.png
[FILE]Poision R.A.T..png
[FILE]Poison Auto Spreader Sources.png
[FILE]Post good EBooks, Papers here!.png
[FILE]Private Reptile[AID.S] x1.png
[FILE]Private Reptile[AID.S] x2.png
[FILE]Private Reptile[AID.S] x3.png
[FILE]Private Reptile[AID.S] x4.png
[FILE]Problem with process injection.png
[FILE]Procces hider by force from HH.png
[FILE]PyMailer - email spammer.png
[FILE]Python Programmer.png
[FILE]Quality Programmers needed.png
[FILE]Question between injections x1.png
[FILE]Question between injections x2.png
[FILE]Question between injections x3.png
[FILE]Quick App.png
[FILE]RC4 Encryption Decryption.png
[FILE]RC4 Encryption Source.png
[FILE]Re-Basing PE.png
[FILE]Real Name Genrator.png
[FILE]Reptile IRC Mod Source.png
[FILE]Reverse http proxy.png
[FILE]Rootkit RIng3.png
[FILE]SMM rootkit.png
[FILE]SQL Exploiter 2.10 x1.png
[FILE]SQL Exploiter 2.10 x2.png
[FILE]SQL TOOL (New Features) x1.png
[FILE]SQL TOOL (New Features) x2.png
[FILE]Searching Source Undetector.png
[FILE]Security researcher gets root on Windows 8 with bootkit.png
[FILE]Self Deleting Executable Methods.png
[FILE]Setting up a Malware development environment on Ubuntu.png
[FILE]ShellBox x1.png
[FILE]ShellBox x2.png
[FILE]ShellBox x3.png
[FILE]Simple Rootkit (Linux) x1.png
[FILE]Simple Rootkit (Linux) x2.png
[FILE]SkyBot HTTP.png
[FILE]Skype Mass Spamming Script.png
[FILE]Skype protocol reverse engineered.png
[FILE]Snippets for native process information.png
[FILE]Socks5 server x1.png
[FILE]Socks5 server x2.png
[FILE]Src Stuxnet.png
[FILE]Starting Coding x1.png
[FILE]Starting Coding x2.png
[FILE]Stupid VS2008 Question.png
[FILE]Taking .rdata apart.png
[FILE]Truecrypt volume cracker x1.png
[FILE]Truecrypt volume cracker x2.png
[FILE]Twitter Messenger.png
[FILE]Twitter spammer.png
[FILE]UAC Bypass x1.png
[FILE]UAC Bypass x2.png
[FILE]UAC bypass n x1.png
[FILE]UAC bypass n x2.png
[FILE]UBot Bot Creation Studio.png
[FILE]User online.png
[FILE]Using GeoIP for Language x1.png
[FILE]Using GeoIP for Language x2.png
[FILE]VB help.png
[FILE]VBScript DL EXEC almost fud.png
[FILE]Valhalla zine released.png
[FILE]Visual Studio Owner information.png
[FILE]WP GPU cracker.png
[FILE]Ways of not hardcoding IP host in binary.png
[FILE]What do you listen while codin x1.png
[FILE]What do you listen while codin x2.png
[FILE]What do you listen while codin x3.png
[FILE]Wind0ws Live Messenger v8.0 Password Finder + FTP upload.png
[FILE]Windows 7 rootkit.png
[FILE]Windows Password Bruteforcer.png
[FILE]Windows Vista process elevation.png
[FILE]Winsock2 hook on MSN x1.png
[FILE]Winsock2 hook on MSN x2.png
[FILE]YES exploit 2.0.png
[FILE]Yahoo Spreader.png
[FILE]Your comments experiances with Java.png
[FILE]Zeus HTTP bot x1.png
[FILE]Zeus HTTP bot x2.png
[FILE]Zeus HTTP bot x3.png
[FILE]Zeus HTTP bot x4.png
[FILE][ C ] Hide taskbar items.png
[FILE][ VB6 ] Encrypt Decrypt File.png
[FILE][!] 26 exploit packs .-.png
[FILE][ARTICLE] Infection gateways.png
[FILE][ASM] Driver signing disabler.png
[FILE][Ask]Working Process injection in vb6.png
[FILE][BASH]Checking Email domains.png
[FILE][C Asm Wierd] Firefox Post Data Grabber by Yaav TheAnomaly.png
[FILE][C BASH] Fully patched linux exploit.png
[FILE][C SRC] Socks4a Server.png
[FILE][C++ SRC] Xfire Spreader.png
[FILE][C++] Drives spread - by Viotto.png
[FILE][C++] Firefox 3.5 Password Harvester.png
[FILE][C++] Fuck Kav.png
[FILE][C++] String Class Alternative.png
[FILE][C++] TDL3 rootkit.png
[FILE][C++] Updated Anti-Sandboxie.png
[FILE][C++][HELP] WinINet login to facebook!!!.png
[FILE][C] CDKey Stealer.png
[FILE][C] Driver loader.png
[FILE][C] FUD autorun.inf (like Conficker, if i remember correctly x1.png
[FILE][C] FUD autorun.inf (like Conficker, if i remember correctly x2.png
[FILE][C] Leet Talk.png
[FILE][C] Minimalistic HTTP server.png
[FILE][C] Persistant Registry Keys PoC.png
[FILE][C] Pidgin Protocol User Pass Lister.png
[FILE][C] Protect your process.png
[FILE][C] Quick shutdown.png
[FILE][C] RC4.png
[FILE][C] SLDE 0.1v (Simple Length Disassembler Engine).png
[FILE][C] SetPowerState.png
[FILE][C] Sexy Anti-Task Manager.png
[FILE][C] Shellcode injection.png
[FILE][C] Simple Interrupt Handler.png
[FILE][C] Steam Password Recovery.png
[FILE][C] TDL3 Rootkit Driver Source.png
[FILE][C] rare injection method.png
[FILE][C] skidis v0.2.png
[FILE][C] skipeinfect v0.1.png
[FILE][C]Process Injection - By Anubis.png
[FILE][C][Linux]Reverse Shell.png
[FILE][Csharp] Web panel ddos bot.png
[FILE][Delphi] Generic Anti Sandbox Bitdefender bypass.png
[FILE][Leaked] YES exploits x1.png
[FILE][Leaked] YES exploits x2.png
[FILE][Leaked] iStealer 6 x1.png
[FILE][Leaked] iStealer 6 x2.png
[FILE][Multiple vulnerabilities] LARGE HADRON COLLIDER.png
[FILE][Need] RDP Scanner x1.png
[FILE][Need] RDP Scanner x2.png
[FILE][OLD]Anti-Virus Scanner ( by Segadora ).png
[FILE][PDF] Generic Unpacking of Self-modifying, Aggressive, Pack.png
[FILE][PHP CLI] SQLi InfoDump.png
[FILE][PHP] Dump one column of a table in a MySQL DB to a .txt.png
[FILE][PHP] Istealer Log Parser.png
[FILE][PHP] Rapidshare Account checker with socks5 support!.png
[FILE][PHP]Mass Alexa and Unique Visitors day checker.png
[FILE][PHP]Proxy Scanner.png
[FILE][PHP]Simple multi-threading example.png
[FILE][PoC] AV Update Killer.png
[FILE][QUESTION] IE and FF Password recovery.png
[FILE][Q] Steam and Electronic Arts account checking.png
[FILE][REQ] V.Basic HTTP Bot(c++ & php).png
[FILE][REQ] smtp.class for c c++.png
[FILE][REQ][C] Socks 5 Server.png
[FILE][Req]uac bypass.png
[FILE][Request ] Istealer 5.0 x1.png
[FILE][Request ] Istealer 5.0 x2.png
[FILE][SRC]Firefox Auto Save Passwords x1.png
[FILE][SRC]Firefox Auto Save Passwords x2.png
[FILE][VB6] A other RUNPE (Call Api by Address).png
[FILE][VB6] MSN Local Log Stealer.png
[FILE][VB6] ROT-N Encryption module - by Viotto.png
[FILE][VB6] The shortest Split method ever.png
[FILE][VB6] need help for mail sending..png
[FILE][VB] Polymorphism x1.png
[FILE][VB] Polymorphism x2.png
[FILE][Videotutorial] Creating Runtime Crypter.png
[FILE][c++] reverse engineered stuxnet rootkit.png
[FILE][c++]Harvest Messenger emails x1.png
[FILE][c++]Harvest Messenger emails x2.png
[FILE][c] Donbot.png
[FILE][eBOOK] BIOS Disassembly Uncovered (ENGLISH VER 1 10) by me..png
[FILE][help] with cool extension (need to modify ).png
[FILE][php] Echo specific lines from .txt and delete them.png
[FILE]a few mods ive made.png
[FILE]avoiding AV detection.png
[FILE]batch .vbs c script.png
[FILE]best way to infect usb x1.png
[FILE]best way to infect usb x2.png
[FILE]binding to a mp3 file x1.png
[FILE]binding to a mp3 file x2.png
[FILE]binding to a mp3 file x3.png
[FILE]binding to a mp3 file x4.png
[FILE]br problems -.-.png
[FILE]c sharp snippets.png
[FILE]c++ ... bacteria code.png
[FILE]capture in stand alone format.png
[FILE]clean sql inputs.png
[FILE]closed x1.png
[FILE]closed x2.png
[FILE]cool php shell.png
[FILE]crypting hiding idea, probably useless.png
[FILE]def convert_to_utf16(self, payload).png
[FILE]dos spoffing.png
[FILE]evercookie (super persistent cookies).png
[FILE]extract icon from exe.png
[FILE]facebook spammer x1.png
[FILE]facebook spammer x2.png
[FILE]facebook spammer x3.png
[FILE]facebook spammer x4.png
[FILE]fix this vb shit.png
[FILE]funny java game thing.png
[FILE]h0rnb0t (Java Based) Source.png
[FILE]hackhound software.png
[FILE]how many of you do stuff in asm.png
[FILE]how to improve this c++.png
[FILE]i need a code doing SCan remote disck top.png
[FILE]iSpread Module.png
[FILE]iUAC Disabler.png
[FILE]if os is w7.png
[FILE]im spreader x1.png
[FILE]im spreader x2.png
[FILE]java stuff.png
[FILE]jpg icon pack.png
[FILE]kerntest - automatic kernel probing tool.png
[FILE]lExe Infector.png
[FILE]limited user account.png
[FILE]mBot x1.png
[FILE]mBot x2.png
[FILE]mBot x3.png
[FILE]mEOF by pringles [vb6] x1.png
[FILE]mEOF by pringles [vb6] x2.png
[FILE]mother fucking crypter!.png
[FILE]my capture to jpeg.png
[FILE]my first ftp brute.png
[FILE]nBinder Pro v5.5.1.png
[FILE]need help cracking a program.png
[FILE]need little help in php.png
[FILE]nuclear mod_rewrite.png
[FILE]p2p programs and their sharing folder.png
[FILE]php echo from mysql cpu ram wasting.png
[FILE]php exec function.png
[FILE]php for cygwin.png
[FILE]php obfuscator.png
[FILE]phpBB Email Harvester.png
[FILE]question about malware installation paths x1.png
[FILE]question about malware installation paths x2.png
[FILE]rar-inject.cpp & rar-inject-add.cpp.png
[FILE]rc4 and IV.png
[FILE]regex library.png
[FILE]remote administrative tool.png
[FILE]request - MS08067 - Standalone console exploit..png
[FILE]ring0 driver debugging environment.png
[FILE]searching files in heap.png
[FILE]shell java.png
[FILE]simple anti sandbox honeypot.png
[FILE]simple nix backdoor.png
[FILE]simple tools archive.png
[FILE]startup methods.png
[FILE]talk like pig mirc script.png
[FILE]twitter poster follower.png
[FILE]txt 2 sql.png
[FILE]undefined variable error.png
[FILE]very odd iframe from child.my when it was comprimised.png
[FILE]winsock send hook modifypacket problem.png
[FILE]~40-50 percent of installs going nowhere x1.png
[FILE]~40-50 percent of installs going nowhere x2.png

4788 files - 839.93 Mb - Server At darkode.cybercrime-tracker.net on port 80 - PHP Powered - inquiries: xylitol☆malwareint.com

Darkode mirror project, keep us in good memories.